Duped again

After several disappointing re-issue purchases I swore never again. But I was taken in again. This time, the re-issue of The Wall."You've never heard The Wall like this in any format" "Stunning", " Blows the CD away" read the pre-release reviews....Nuts... My 1979 original copy eats this re-issue for lunch and it's 32 years old. The differences in the mid and upper ranges are not subtle, it's downright glaring. The low end is there but much tighter on the original.

Perhaps I didn't do enough research beforehand, but is there something I should look for before I even consider another re-issue such as who's the engineer? The plant doing the pressing etc? Or are vinyl lovers just being taken advantage of?
I believe this reissue of "The Wall" did involve the original engineer and/or producer so this would not have helped. I also bought it and have listened to it just once, but was underwhelmed as well. My other copies of the record were bought used and are quite noisy so I do like the lower noise, but I agree that it sounds a bit as if life has been sucked out of it. I think it might be due to the fact that it seems to have been recorded at a much lower volume compared to the original. I noticed the same thing with Led Zeppelin "Mothership." Touted as an audiophile release mastered at half-speed, blah, blah, blah, sounds just...well blah, and the box is now gathering dust.
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Elizabeth, Think upgrade/better and it makes sense. It's what we do.

I am like you and NEED to have at least one copy of everything but some would be satisfied with the best copy of ten records and listen to them everyday.

Different strokes.
I think people do it -- I know I do it -- because we want an even better experience of music we love. Imagine when you do get a superior issue of something you know well and love, it's like you made a major system upgrade for $50.