All tech stuff thrown out for a second, my USB cable from my 2009 mini to my Lampizator dac USB input is sonic heaven beyond anything I have ever heard on my front end.
No separate USB converter, just beautiful sound beyond any CD player or disc spinning transport I have owned or heard in my system.
Follow Steve's advice and get a late model 2009 mini, power supply for the mini, perform all software mods, use Amarra with EQ option to negate poor room response, and yes a good quality USB cable (WyWire and others). Boom, Done, Killer Sound!
So the devil is indeed in the details wether sound card or USB cable.
Steve, can this sound card Cerrot speaks about be loaded into the 2009 mini? If so, any real sonic pluses? My Lampizator has a nice USB port so no outboard converter is needed for great sound with my set-up.
No separate USB converter, just beautiful sound beyond any CD player or disc spinning transport I have owned or heard in my system.
Follow Steve's advice and get a late model 2009 mini, power supply for the mini, perform all software mods, use Amarra with EQ option to negate poor room response, and yes a good quality USB cable (WyWire and others). Boom, Done, Killer Sound!
So the devil is indeed in the details wether sound card or USB cable.
Steve, can this sound card Cerrot speaks about be loaded into the 2009 mini? If so, any real sonic pluses? My Lampizator has a nice USB port so no outboard converter is needed for great sound with my set-up.