Turntable dilemma.

Hi all, I was hoping to get some opinions on a couple of turntable I'm interested in. I currently have a Micro Seiki DDX-1000 with a Sumiko Premiere MMT arm. I'm thinking of getting rid of it and was looking at a VPI HW19 MKIII w/TNT PLATTER or an ORACLE DELPHI MKII. By backup table is an Ariston RD11. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Is there something wrong with your Micro Seiki? You must know that it is a very good table. I would change the arm and add a top of the line cartridge if you don't have one now..
Keep what you have and upgrade to a better tonearm. Years ago I had the MMT and it was no ball of fire. BTW I own a VPI MK3 and I think it is a great table but I really think a better arm would be a great upgrade.
If you want to step out of the box take a look at the Transfi Salvation TT and Terminator arm. It was an eye opener for me.
Thanks for all of the advice. I'll try a different arm. I have the chance to pick up a LINN BASIK LVV arm or a Rega RB250. Do you think these would be a step sideways? As for cartridges, I have three to choose from. A Lyra Lydian, a Dynavector DV20x and a Clearaidio Discovery which is on the tonearm now mounted to an Audioquest headshell. Thanks again.
That would be a sideway step. Save your money and get SME. Now that would be a true upgrade.