Has anybody tried the Reed 3P?

I own the Reed 2A and have the 'Magnetic Reed' on lone which I can buy. But I am also curious about the 3P as a possible next one.

I am using 3P at the moment and actually just installed FR64s in my system. My3P has 12 inch Cocobolo wand. When I bought Reed, I mentioned that I may be using it with Koetsu cartridge. My local dealer contacted Reed and was recommended that I go with Cocobolo. It works extremely well with Air Tight Pc-1 Supreme on my TW Acustic AC-1. However, I was rather disappointed when using it with Koetsu Coralstone.
However I can't tell how much was Reed's fault and how much was TW's fault. TW Acustic told me once via email that I would never hear TW at its full capability with Koetsu.
Anyhow, now I mount on my Koetsu on FR64s/Micro Seiki Bl-111
that could easily rival Reed/TW/Air Tight but has very different presentation whereas Reed/TW/Koetsu is nowhere near the same league. However, I would not rule out Reed with low compliance cartridge as I heard 2P (Cocobolo) with Miyajima Kansui with excellent result as well.
Suteetat, are you using the 3P or 3Q? I noticed your system page lists the 3Q.
Suteetat, Now that you provided the context I understand your eearlier question better. The luxury of choice between 7 kinds of wood may look rather confusing but is at this level of performance not accidental. This of course imply consultation in advance with the dealer and/or Vidmantas. I bought the Phase Tech P-3G because of all those awards this cart got in Japan but was not impressed and nearly (re)sold the cart. Then I got my 2A , 12'' with Pernambucco armwand (27 g. eff.mass) and had difficulty to believe what I was hearing. As one say: the match in heaven. However not I but Vidmantas made the wood choice for me.
As you know there is no consensus in our forum about the exact correlation between the arm mass and cart compliance. Halcro, for example, uses his FR-66S with MM
carts while others are searching for some 'widow(s)' to mate. I have this suggestion for you. Try one extra counter weight and use the lighter kind from 9'' for the purpose. That is what I have done. Vidmantas designed new kinds recently but I have no idea if there are also 7 weight kinds. Anyway if Vetterone is your dealer he can also use this occasion to order by Vidmantas one for himself as substitution for the stolen one.

Oops, I mean 3Q, sorry. My local dealer is getting 3P in soon and I am waiting to hear it as well.
Nandric, there is a local Reed dealer here in Bangkok so Vetterone is not the local dealer I referred to. Actually, I was the first customer that ordered Reed from the local dealer here. As far as choice of wood is concered, I assume it was Vidmantas who made the recommendation through my local dealer. Or at least somebody from Reed did anyhow. My local dealer also has Miyajima and he suggested for both Koetsu and Miyajima, to use Cocobolo so both of us got Cocobolo.
anyhow, I am perfectly happy with Reed. Just because it does not work out as well with Koetsu as FR, it still works wonderfully with my Air Tight cartridge and I am not sure how many arms out there would mate Koetsu as well as FR does?

PS which earlier question did I ask? Are you talking about another Reed thread from awhile back?