Has anybody tried the Reed 3P?

I own the Reed 2A and have the 'Magnetic Reed' on lone which I can buy. But I am also curious about the 3P as a possible next one.

Hi Maril 555, Coincidentaly I also own the SP 10, mkII and installed one of my FR-64S on the TT. I use this combo as my second system in order to test all those carts that I still buy on ebay. The removable headshell as Henry pointed out is the pre-condition for such adventures. I also use 6 different headshells by which one can regulate the eff. mass of the arm. This way I can 'mess' with whatever carts and their compliance. Fantastic! Thanks Henry!
Dear Nikola,
I am so convinced by the advantages and flexibility of removable headshells......that only the Copperhead (out if my six tonearms)......does not have this feature.
I notice that the new DaVinci Vertu tonearm now features a removable headshell thanks to Thuchan I believe?
Dear Henry, There is this Aristotelian teaching reg. the distinction between 'essential' and 'accidental' qualities in objects. You are of course familiar with this obsession
with rigidity by tonearms. I was aware that this teaching was totaly wrong but I also bought only tonearms with fast headshells. The experts and the 'ignorant' you know. But now I can (pre)adjust 6 carts in 6 headshells and switch between them in 4 minutes time. I want mention the 'minimalist' approach reg. the number of soldering 'points' in the tonearm wire. Some even avoid the preamp connectors and solder their ( the best there are) wire in the amp.
3 years later anyone can comment on REED 3P "12 Cocobolo + ZYX Premium 4D (SB2) combo ? Anybody use that combination ?

Effective mass of "12 Reed w/cocobolo arwand is 19g.
Zyx Premium 4D compliance is 12x10-6 (vertical) & 15x10-6 (horizontal) @ 100Hz (Japan)

Dealers told me it would be a good match but at the same time i've seen other people use the same Reed with Miyajima Kansui which is a totally different cartridge with lower compliance 7x10-6 @ 100Hz (Japan).

How come two cartridges (Zyx & Miyajima) with different compliance can be ideal for one tonearm if their compliance is so different (from 15 to 7, both at 100Hz) ?

Anyone can explain me ?

Yes- or for that matter Reed tonearms in general.
Ease of use, sound, QC...? Thanks in advance!