Dear Henry, There is this Aristotelian teaching reg. the distinction between 'essential' and 'accidental' qualities in objects. You are of course familiar with this obsession
with rigidity by tonearms. I was aware that this teaching was totaly wrong but I also bought only tonearms with fast headshells. The experts and the 'ignorant' you know. But now I can (pre)adjust 6 carts in 6 headshells and switch between them in 4 minutes time. I want mention the 'minimalist' approach reg. the number of soldering 'points' in the tonearm wire. Some even avoid the preamp connectors and solder their ( the best there are) wire in the amp.
with rigidity by tonearms. I was aware that this teaching was totaly wrong but I also bought only tonearms with fast headshells. The experts and the 'ignorant' you know. But now I can (pre)adjust 6 carts in 6 headshells and switch between them in 4 minutes time. I want mention the 'minimalist' approach reg. the number of soldering 'points' in the tonearm wire. Some even avoid the preamp connectors and solder their ( the best there are) wire in the amp.