schticky to clean lp's

I noticed the sticky is being advertised in an analog magazine to clean your albums. It looks like the same roller on those annoying tv ads for "scticky. Would it leave a residue?
My concern would be residues left behind by these shticky rollers. Even a microscopic film can build up over time and transfer to you stylus.

As far as cleaning the gooves (or getting in there), if wood glue works, maybe these will as well. But pulling particles out does not mean they won't leave their own crap behind.
It will work as long as you are religious in keeping it clean. If it starts to load up with shit it will deposit some back on to the record. Since the roller moves only in a straight line while the groove is curved this deposition will be intermittent. The result will be pulsed noise starting in the left channel at the start of the album and moving to the right by the end. Very annoying! I'm lazy. I use mine to clean my Hunt brush between uses and it works very well for that.