Following your interest in the Verdier, I pulled one out of the cupboard and set it up over the weekend for a quick listen. It is about 2 yrs old - so current version. It has the black lacquered base and arm boards.
Lewm, before you ask "have you really" - here is a photo for you.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogRZSjnyhasThe Verdier bearing is a conventional sleeved bearing in the horizontal plane and magnetic in the vertical plane. The ball and thrust pad is supplied as standard with the deck but the use of the ball & thrust pad is optional. If you install the ball & thrust pad the height of the bearing shaft is adjustable from under the TT so that the ball is only just touching and most of the weight is still borne by the magnetic bearing.
I mounted an Audiomods arm and Goldring moving coil (was mounted on Technics DD )on the Verdier for an interim listen. The Verdier was a considerable level of performance above the SME20/SMEV/Lyra combination we had side by side for comparison. The Verdier had more punch, lower noise floor, better dynamics, better timing and was more transparent.
It is quite impressive that the magnets support such a heavy platter. There is residual vertical movement in the platter if you press down but it is quite stiff.
At some stage I will transfer the SME V/Lyra onto the Verdier for a direct comparison and try the ball & thrust pad again.
On an earlier Verdier I preferred the ball in situ - more high frequency extension more grounded and better timing. The earlier Verdier that I had listened to had rigid feet whereas the current has sprung feet.
My only criticism of the Verdier is the plinth and armloads are pretty mickey mouse - they appear to be painted mdf and very lightweight.
The Verdier motor has settings for rubber belt and thread drive. The rubber belt supplied is about 3/16" thick, round profile, and I was disturbed by it's propensity to vibrate, no matter how I tensioned the belt. However it still sounded ok, much better than the SME20 but not up to the Final Audio VTT-1 that I normally run.