Arm for Thorens TD-145 /160 ?

I've been holding back on a higher performance arm for my Thorens TD-145 'cause I'm a lazy kind of person when it comes to my free time and I really liked the auto shutoff, but now the little magneto went bad and no more auto-shutoff. So now I need an arm that is "reasonably" priced and will work with my Denon 103 but not shut me off to higher compliance cartridges. (I have an Ortofon Om-20 as well) Any suggestions?

I was quite happy with a mayware formula 4 on the Td160, it was great with grado cartridges and a shelter 501mk2 . I also rewired the arm with cardas so I could connect directly to the preamp. The results were worth more than the cost to say the least. As my thought process is now I'm not sure if there is an arm I wouldn't do this to if possible.

I have a Thorens TD 150 with a Rega RB250 and an Ortofon Om-20. It tracks very well and is quite detailed in presentation, at least compared to the original arm.