47 Labs RS-A1 tonearm, how to adjust VTA ?

Friends, I have just got in a 47 Labs RS-A1 tonearm. In general it is easy to setup but I am not sure how to setup the VTA and tonearm height. Can anyone please help ?

BTW, with even a very sub optimal setup this tonearm is superb. Pace and rhythm is outstanding, Transparency and detail is also superb, all this with a very natural and accurate tonality. I just need to set this up correctly, really need some help here !

you can get away with a small amount of adjustment on the 'pillar' but the rotating plate really should be level. If gross VTA adjustment is needed your only option is to shim the front or the back of the cartridge body.

Okay, now I know how to adjust the VTA and also did try a few different settings, however I am unable to get rid of certain amount screechy-ness on high pitched female vocals especially while playing oldies classics. I dont hear that on the SME 3012 tonearm on the same TT and cartridge. The cartridge I use is a ZYX RS30. What could be the issue ?
Assuming your VTF is correct and you have the arm positioned properly (stylus 1CM from center pivot) then the next thing I would check is the tightness of the headhell rotating bearing. I find if that is too loose things can get a bit aggressive. If it goes too tight things get closed in.
