Asr basis exclusive or naim superline+hicap2

Well i cannot find a chance to demo both these phono pre. I really like to know your opinions about these two phono pre's. I found asr in second hand with a fair price. Two pre is nearly at same price level for me.

My system,

Project extension turntable
Ortofon cadenze red cartridge
Audioquest leopard phono cable
Asr emitter 1 Blue version
Ear acite cd player
Audioquest sky interconnects
Audioquest volcano speaker cable
I used a Cardas GR balanced with good results with my Graham 2.2. Now using a Rega 1000 which has captive cables. I also leave mine in the line position when not listening. Once in a while I forget to switch and wonder why the system is not sounding as good as usual.
I am considering to leave in bat A position. If battery is dried out, it will automaticly charging, and pre works in line mode.
Dear Stanwal, Never heard about 'captive cables'. Do you mean the ground by Rega which is on the left channel? BTW Rega is easy to rewire both ways: from the collar and
all the way from the headshell till the phono-pre. Then with 'line position' you mean 'current position' . Ie not in the battery position. The 'line A + B' are introduced
in the latest version if I remember well? Anyway there are also 'Auto A' and 'B' (by 2x pre) which switch from current to batteries when the signal is higher then 100 mV. This
means one 'may forget' to switch because as soon as the stylus touch the record the pre switches to batteries.
The arm leads from the Rega 1000 are hard wired to give a direct signal path from the cartridge clips to the RCAs; that is no intervening DIN plugs etc. I use a 2006 ASR; some have found it better than the new one but I neither know nor care which is better; mine does the job for me. I have sold the Naim to a friend; both worked very well on mine but the Naim was outstanding on his. I am getting a passive to try and it lacks [Horrors!] a remote so I will actually have to walk over to the system to begin so having to turn from current to battery should become automatic (I hope).
Stanwal, if you are going to a passive, please try the Lightspeed. I have a custom LIghtspeed LDR-type preamp built by someone with Georges blessing. I can't describe the difference between it and the passives I tried, except to say it's just not there. Completely transparent. I compared it straight up most recently to the Dodd Audio Battery Tube Buffer passive and mine killed the Dodd, which still sounded great, but there something about those LDRs.