"Harder" cartridge recomendation

After some time with EMT TSD15SPH, which is basically my first serious cart (along with it's EMT930 platform and 929 arm), I comeback to the question of finding something faster, "harder", more transparent perhaps but I do like "bigger sound". I'm mounting a second arm on 930: SME3012R and I'm looking for a fast cart in 1-1.2kEU range. Phono is a diy 834 with Tribute nano crystal SUT's.

I've been looking at SPU Royal N, but IIRC EMT somehow derives from the SPU family, so it may or may not be what I have in mind.

Any opinions? Thanks,
Can anyone direct me to the post by T_bone (Travis)? He and I were in direct email contact for a couple of years. Last year, he told me he was moving to Hong Kong from Tokyo. I was in touch with him during the moving process, and now he seems to have dropped off the face of the earth. For the past several months or maybe a year, I have had zero response from him, nor has he been posting either here or on Audio Asylum. If the post about 3012 + Mk7 is old, it probably would not help to find him. There is another guy who calls himself Tbone, without the underscore. On one or the other site, he used "Travisty".
Dear Lew, My 'blanket statement' was made in the context of
my own experience so no 'universal statement' was made in
the logical sense . My was made by induction from a limited number of carts that I own while any 'universal statement' should be made without such a restriction. In this unrestricted sense only can an universal statement be treated as a premisse for deductions. Syntax and Thuchan were my 'sources' for the Miyabi . The 'Standard' version is so called, I assume, to discriminate from 47 (plastic)
version. I hope Syntax will help his Balkan friend out from this precarious situation? Where Thuchan is I have no idea at present. But if he still pretend to have good ears
he may accompany Syntax by a possible explanation.

Hello Lewm, I thought because "Travisty" was from Tokyo that it was T_bone. I am sorry if I was incorrect and they are different people.

The post from T_bone (Travis) was from Bydlo on 7/30.
in defense of Henry, I am sure he means that among cartridges he owns or has heard in his system, he prefers one or more MMs to any of the MCs. This does not rule out the proposition that there is a superior MC somewhere in the universe.
It also does not rule out the proposition that H's system is so coloured, bleached out or grainy that in that particular system MM's are a better match as they tend to be more forgiving through the mid to top end. Whilst we do not want to bag other systems and I respect H's input into the forums, we must look at context. The system in question is located in a small room with hard stone floors, a massive glass coffee table in front of the listening position and speakers jammed into the corners. I would expect that this environment would be very unforgiving of any forwardness in the mid to top end.
I would expect that this environment would be very unforgiving of any forwardness in the mid to top end.
Only a fool or a genius would believe he can predict the sound of an ‘unheard’ system by ‘expectation’?
From your history of postings on this Forum……I don’t believe you’re a genius?
Most intelligent contributors here, never criticise another’s system yet you seem to enjoy doing exactly that?

You have absolutely no idea what my speakers sound like as they are not commercial products and if you had any knowledge of acoustics…..you would know that the ‘volume’ of a space is a more determining factor than the ‘area’?
The ‘volume’ of my listening space is 90 cubic metres(3,178 cu.ft) which is equivalent to a 20x20x8ft listening room but in my experience…….a smaller floor area with a higher ceiling than 8ft generally sounds better?

I would venture that you have never heard a ‘nude’ Victor TT-101 turntable with any of the arms or cartridges I have…..yet you presume to ‘predict’ the sound of such a set-up?

Whilst you carefully avoid listing your own ‘System’ with photos of your listening room and set-up…..your bombastic self-anointed ‘expert’ status on this Forum is rather tiresome.