I tried S Yorke's own "7" arm, and it is immeasurably, amazingly, poetically, easier to use and frankly, a better performer.
Not as nice looking, however!
Simon Yorke's "Zarathustra S4" or the "Denon DP80" and you will never look for an upgrade. Do not overpay for an arm. It is the most fetish material in this hobby and in my case I've routinely substituting for the better till I've met my holly grail (Pluto 9A Prestige).I have lived with a S4 with the Pluto. Setting up the pluto is a pain, because the geometry is (how shall I put it gracefully?) "elusive". Respectfully, I suggest you try another arm. Morch, for example, or Yorke's own. Or any cheapo uni-pivot, like Clearaudio's something.
I tried S Yorke's own "7" arm, and it is immeasurably, amazingly, poetically, easier to use and frankly, a better performer.
Not as nice looking, however!