Next Phonostage

I'm contemplating a new Phonostage to replace my Rowland Cadence. One of the driving factors is wanting multiple inputs for multiple tonearms.

My system is currently: TW-Acustic Raven AC-1/TW10.5 tonearm/Dynavector XV-1s cart with Rowland Synergy IIi preamp, Rowland 302 power amp and Avalon Acoustics Eidolon Diamond loudspeakers.

My listening tastes are everything except rap/hip-hop. Probably 50% rock/pop, 40% Jazz and 10% Classical.

My audio characteristics preferences I value include really black backgrounds, air around images, extension and musicality. Dynamics are also a plus.

My contenders are currently:

Audio Research Ref 2 SE Phono - rave reviews, most say this gives you best attributes of solid state and tube sound combined, might be a natural transition into tubes for me

Thoress Phono Enhancer - also known as TW Acustic Phonostage; might mate well with my analog front end, flexibility in dialing in bass, mids, highs, customizable sound

Manley Steelhead - heard this in a friend's system, very nice sound, very flexible, did hear a it of tube noise

Can anyone who owns one of these phonostages or has listening experience with them give me some input and advice on what would work best with my system?

Thanks in advance for any recommendations from the audiogon community.
When I first plugged my Steelhead in, I experienced some hum. Played around with a couple of things, and couldnt really get rid of it. Then I just ended up plugging the turntable into a different power strip, and voila, the hum disappeared completely. Just like that. Now I have dead silent operation, beautiful music and exceptional dynamics.
Note, when I had the hum, the turnable was plugged into the same power strip as when I used my SimAudio Lp5.3 and had no hum. So, I dont know why, but changing worked.
Thaluza- on the question of tube rush/noise, i can hear everything over my Avantgarde Duos at 104db efficiency, funky AC, grounding issues, and neither the Steelhead nor the Allnic gave me a problem with noise, tube, grounding or otherwise. A pretty astute listener came to visit a few weeks ago, and was amazed at how quiet the system is, you have to put your ear to a horn to hear any noise at idle with the gain up. Ambient noise in the room can mask things too. For example, while my central air conditioning is pretty quiet, I can hear it. So, I crank the air con to meat locker levels, then shut off to listen; when the tubes make the room too warm, i'm taking a break, cranking up the air con again.
Thanks for all the input guys. I have a Steelhead to listen to this weekend. Going to head to DFW soon to listen to the Allnic. Unfortunately no dealers in the Southwest have an ARC Ref Phono 2 SE on their floor. Might have to travel to Denver for this. May approach Highwater Sound to see if a loaner Thoress is a possibility. It's just a long way to ship. I sure hope Jeff and HW Sound are safe and dry - that water surge may have been close to them with Hurricane Sandy.
Yep, lower Manhattan is a mess right now. We are north of the city 25
miles or so, along the Hudson, and the river towns were just devastated.
Just getting in and out of the city is a nightmare, and I know that the utility
companies have been working 24/7 to restore basic service. We were lucky
to get power back last night, but much of the neighboring areas are still
blacked out, gasoline shortages, etc.
I hope he is OK, too, he is a good guy, although I've only spoken to him a
couple times. It's hard to overlook the irony of his company name.