Analog vs Digital Confusion

Thinking about adding Analog to my system, specifically a Turntable, budget is about 5K but I'm having some second thoughts and I'm hoping someone can help, specifically, how can the record sound better? Scenario; an album is released in both CD and Record, the recording is DDD mixed, mastered, etc in the digital domain. It seems to me that to make the master record the process would involve taking the digital recoding and adding an additional D/A process to cut the record? So, bottom line, how can the record sound better than the CD played on compitent CDP?
Al... Thank you for the info; I remember the Soundstream and the 3M. I'm not an EE, but worked in recording studios.
Todays digital vinyl quality is really hit or miss, but this new generation of record cutting is still in it's infancy.
One of the joys of vinyl for me is discovering, or rediscovering older records I own but either haven't listened to in decades or never knew I had. A few examples:
On my way to looking for something else, I found a very nice 6-eye of Take Five. I know it has been reissued recently, but this old Columbia record sounds amazing;
Blood, Sweat and Tears- standard issue Columbia from back in the day- amazing sonics and music.
I did break down and buy an OOP copy of 88 Basie St. on 45rpm. It is just a marvel.
I started acquiring records in the late 60's as a teen. Still have virtually all of them. I continued to buy in college, and law school and as I started working, though I had much less time to listen.
When CD entered and records were banished from the store shelves, I increased my record buying by a magnitude. Every town, city or country i visited involved buying records. And, working 6-7 days a week, I only had a chance to listen occasionally, to a limited number. After more than 40 years, I have accumulated a substantial collection- not all of it great, or super collectible (though some is). With a transition out of the fulltime practice of law after 32 years, I now have time to enjoy this collection, which continues to grow, selectively. (Of course, if someone offered a substantial collection to me today, I would buy it if it was priced appropriately). Not sure if this makes sense for someone just starting on vinyl, but there's still a ton out there, and if you are willing to take a chance, e-bay has a wealth of stuff- I'm not talking about the thousand dollar records, but the 8 and 10 dollar ones. With a good record cleaning machine, a willingness to take a chance and some research, you can probably have an even easier time of it today than I did, haunting dealers, searching through bins, and hauling records home on airplanes and in cabs. Granted, you have to trust a 'visual grade' and the seller's good faith, but you aren't going to be able to accomplish much more in a record store.
Well as usual, once again you present a very reasoned and compelling viewpoint.Both formats are capable of exceptional sound and both can sound very average.Much depends on the front end set up and of course quality of the particular components.Vinyl based systems are`nt by default always better than digital,it really depends on numerous factors.I`ve heard some analog record front ends sound disappointing and worse yet,uninvolving and flat.Some I`ve heard have been spectacular! But the same holds true for digital.There`re a lot of vinyl record pressings that just are`nt that good to begin with and no amount of analog system manipulation will change that fact(just as there`re poor CD examples).Both format can coexist and sound superb if the right choices are made.
"Personally, I enjoy both formats, to a greater or lesser degree depending on the quality of the particular recording."

Al, that is very well said and I have recently adopted that philosophy.
Rpg, I have recently added vinyl, and can recommend it. It's heaps of fun, and I never cease being amazed that a squiggle in a piece of plastic can deliver so much information. In order to get great gear at a reasonable price get second hand. The only thing I would buy new is the cartridge, unless you know the person selling to you. For example-at present there is a Clearaudio Champion level II with Unify arm on this site for 2850, add a delos 1650, and that leaves you 2000 odd for a phono stage. May I recommend a SimAudio 5.3rs second hand should be just over 1000. The new 310 is just a cosmetic upgrade (new face plate) IMHO. I believe it is possible to get good and enjoyable, if not the "best", on your budget. I'm sure there are other great deals if you follow the smalls pages. It won't do away with your digital, but will almost certainly enhance your enjoyment of the hobby, and music. good luck.