Back to the original question-
If your total buget for an analog rig is $5k, meaning- turntable, tone arm, cartridge, phono stage and possibly a tone arm cable you may want to stick with a CDP if ultimate sound reproductive quality is your main objective.This is assuming your CDP is of reasonably high quality.
I listen almost exclusively to records, have a very well regarded and expensive CDP, and feel that you typically need to spend at LEAST three times the cost of your CDP for an analog rig that would best it. So, if you have a $5K CDP then you would need to invest $15K on all the above items to create an analog system which MAY better your digital. No guarantees it will, analog is a great deal more complicated than popping in a CD. It is, however, extremely rewarding when and if you get that turntable really singing.
Not trying to discourage a turntable purchase, just trying to address what you were asking for in your initial post.
If your total buget for an analog rig is $5k, meaning- turntable, tone arm, cartridge, phono stage and possibly a tone arm cable you may want to stick with a CDP if ultimate sound reproductive quality is your main objective.This is assuming your CDP is of reasonably high quality.
I listen almost exclusively to records, have a very well regarded and expensive CDP, and feel that you typically need to spend at LEAST three times the cost of your CDP for an analog rig that would best it. So, if you have a $5K CDP then you would need to invest $15K on all the above items to create an analog system which MAY better your digital. No guarantees it will, analog is a great deal more complicated than popping in a CD. It is, however, extremely rewarding when and if you get that turntable really singing.
Not trying to discourage a turntable purchase, just trying to address what you were asking for in your initial post.