VPI Scout setup after watching Frefmer's video

I understand all the concepts, however one question still bugs me. When I read VPI's manual they go through the set up process pretty well with one of the first things you do is set the anti skate. Here is what I don't get, if the anti skate is hooked up how are you suppose to set tracking force and azimuth correctly if ther is a constant counter force acting on it? Even if you disconnect the Lemo it still imparts a force just hanging there.

I'm a newbie at TT's so maybe I'm missing something.
I went ahead and purchased the CI. It was only 50 bucks. This way when I set azimuth by ear I won't have to undo the counter weight every time.
Last Lemming....I guess you didn't read what I said on the above posts....you wouldn't need to even without the CI
No I understand you can, but my clumsy fingers keep screwing up the TF every time I mess with the weight. And if I want to make on the fly adjustments quickly without worrying about messing the TF up I figured the CI was going to be the easiest way for me.
We all read what you've posted above Stringreen, thank you for the entertainment.
I've ordered the Mint protractor and the VPI headshell wt. As I understand it my Memorial tonearm was not originally intended for MC carts, and the extra weight is suppose to address that to some degree. However I am still confused about setting up azimuth and tracking force. I've been told on this forum to connect the Lemo connector then set Azimuth and TF. It even says that in the directions if I remember correctly. However I called VPI to double check and I forget the fellows name (I don't think it was mike) and he told me to unplug it and keep it in the board next to the pivot point. I explained that when I did that the TF constantly changed depending on where I placed the connector. He didn't seem concerned about this. Since I'm trying to clear up a little bit of end of lp distortion I would like to make sure I'm setting the table up right from the start. Any thoughts?