Brinkmann/Spiral Groove/TW Acustic Black Night...?


I'm seriously considering one of these turntables at the moment, and I would truly appreciate any opinions regarding them related to sonics, reliability, flexibility, ease of use & maintenance etc.

The candidates are:

- Brinkmann Balance anniversary (turntable, 10.5 tonearm, Ti-cartridge, tube power supply, HRS-platform)

- Spiral Groove SG1 + Centroid tonearm

- TW Acustic Black Night + Raven 10.5 tonearm

The price for these setups (used or new) are quite similar when adding a cartridge within the 4-5000$ price range to the Spiral Groove and TW Acoustic tables. But, I can get the Black Knight + Raven 10.5 tonearm new at about the same price as the others used.

I'm using the Brinkmann Bardo today, which I believe is a very neutral and reliable table. But, to some degree it doesn't manage to engage me enough emotionally being rather correct and slightly sharp around the edges. What I'm looking for in an upgrade is first and foremost a more generous and musical presentation (warmth, scale, texture, body, flow) - more music and less hifi if you wish.

My taste in music is varied, but I tend to optimize my system based on what I listen to the most (sing- and songwriters), which means that the handling of voices, acoustical instruments and piano are critical.

So far, my gut feeling tells me that the TW Acoustics Black Night might be the answer partnered with the right cartridge.

Of the three, only the Brinkmann Balance is available locally for audition.

My phono is the Zanden 1200 MKIII. The rest of the system consists of an Aesthetix Callisto Eclipse (preamp), Karan KA M2000 (monos) and Sonus Faber Futura (speakers). Cabling is Nordost Valhalla (power) + Kubala Sosna Elation (interconnects).

Any inputs are most welcome!
Interesting choices for you to ponder !
As a happy and more than satisfied TW AC Black Night owner with a tube phono , I can only commend you on your impressive short list. These are all outstanding TTs. There are sooo many variables in analog( that adds to the fun/ frustration) that I am a wee bit sceptical about most dealer demos. For example how many dealers will optimally align a cart using a Mint LP protractor in a showroom enviroment.
Ideally, try and listen in a friends system. The time/money invested on travel is worthwhile considering the cost of the rig etc .The TT at best will provide a solid foundation/ platform for a good tone arm and cartridge.
I am not sure about your take on pricing. The TW BN was $40 k sans arm.
Each make/model has its detractors and die hard lobbyists on most forums so its not easy to pick a consensus candidate.
Best of luck on your journey

Very interesting choices indeed ;)

Well, I can quite easily audition the Balance and Spiral Groove SG2 locally (maybe even within my own system). But, I need to travel to audition the TW Acustic AC...and I will probably need to travel half way across Europe to be able to audition the Black Knight unfortenately.
You are welcome to visit my den. If you are comfortable with cattle class it will cost you less than $1.5k. Small change compared to a 50 k investment on a TW BN -:)
All the best

Thanks for the invitation. I'll think about it :)

I will not buy anything on this level "unheard" of course. The purpose of a thread like this is mainly to get an overall impression of the products at hand. Reliability issues, bad customer service etc. could exclude potential candidates on an early stage - which is something I would need to consider as well, besides sonic merits.
The brinkmann emt needs about 330 pf capacitive loading or it will sound too sharp and cold. The brinkmann phono stages have this built in