Is DSD download already an extinct format?

I recently purchased a Benchmark DAC 2 which supports DSD decoding following an article from Robert Hartley indicating that Sony would release all of its music catalog in DSD download format. As of today, there are only 358 DSD downloads available from Acoustic Sounds. On average the DSD downloads is music that is 30-45 years know the same stuff you already own in CD, DVD-audio, SACD. Just getting tired of purchasing Getz/Gilberto in all formats.

Record companies, please give us the new music in Hi-rez format rigth off the bat and stop giving us the better resolution years later!
Sony was showing DSD Multichannel recording and DSD Download systems at last weekend's California Audio Show.

The show report from Enjoy the Music is at
The record companies became overly greedy...for years cds were $15-20 by the time they made it to an independent record store...which is close to 2 X what an lp was back in the day...when the mp3 generation hit...the big wigs decided it was time yet again to repackage the digital age...again touting superior fidelity...I was born at night...but not last night...pass
Extinct, dead, die, end of the road, adios amigos, sayonara, dasvidaniya, ciao ciao, au revoir Mr Duck! Nah, DSD is the new white bread!
I think you guys are being unfair. Digital has come a long way since 44/16 was released. High definition is definitely superior. Sony with 40% of all existing master tapes has a real issue namely all the tapes are deteriorating and their solution is to put them into digital. Apparently, their choice is quad DSD, I am told.

So in reality, soon you will be able, I hope, to get master tapes for your personal use. Unfortunately, they are, I'm told, using a device that converts analog into quad DSD that has many opamps in it thus harming the quality of the recording. Probably they just could not wait any longer.

These files will be very large which is okay as I have 4 terabyte drives, but it does probably mean that only high speed internet downloads will allow your getting these. I have heard double DSD recordings and they are definitely superior.

Melbguy, what does the "new white bread" mean? Good or bad?