Brinkmann vs TW Acustic

Was wondering how these two German manufacturers compare.
Bardo vs Raven One
Oasis vs Raven GT
LaGrange vs Raven AC
Is there a unique sound signature that goes up with the range? Which is a better value? (i.e. maybe the Oasis is better than the Raven AC)
Have heard both in show conditions, but could not pin-point their contribution to the end result as the rest of the system was unfamiliar as well.
Dev, sorry on you know everything,but you are totally clueless on how to set up T W ACUSTIC turntable.TW does not need to give you a tour as you have nothing good to say on a wonderful table
The volume of ad hominem attacks by TW owners on posters who don't share their love of these turntables is really astonishing, and virtually unique to this brand. Dislike the message? Discredit the messenger, either by direct insult or innuendo. That's the approach of a surprising number of TW owners in this forum. Why so much anger and vehemence?

Insults start whenever certain members start insulting other members and make claims to be better than others etc. Any discussion with humble origins and without ego would go much further. I can go and quote what was said but just go above and read it. If I didn't like a product my statement would be simple, I have had very positive experience with XYZ and I prefer that. I think that is much better than going forward and saying that all so & so people have no idea what they are listening to and don't know good sound etc. I have had some bad luck with certain brands in my life. I have owned several high end watches. Some with extreme complications. Yet, some of the "best" brands have failed and even after repair they failed again. But I know several happy people owning the same item. I don't bad mouth the watch. I take it as everyone can have a negative experience. I was unlucky. But since I had a watch that failed, I should tel everyone to stay away from it and that they would be making a mistake to ever buy one? I just don't get it. This is a forum. Yes you can say what you want. But how it is said is extremely important.

And if you are on record already saying your opinion several times in a negative & derogatory way to both the brand and other owners and you persist on doing so I do have a problem. You obviously have an axe to grind. At that point loyal and happy customers will show their support. It is kind of the same as Wilson bashing which went on for years and continues. They are probably at the top in sales of speakers in their respective price ranges. Of course there are different speakers out there that some might prefer. But people bash them and others defend them. But no one does it the way certain members do it in regards to TW.
I think it's all just based on how things are said. One poster starts a thread or response about the incompetence of the design or designer, and that transfers directly to the incompetence of the owner/listener of that product.

Bottom line is this - If you are completely satisfied with your system/component/new purchase, you won't let a negative post affect how you feel about your gear. Only those who are self-doubters or who aren't in bliss with their sound, will take great offense.

Until things are measured/validated scientifically, this is all opinion - based issues and statements anyway. For example, I find it laughable that we uniformly accept the Sutherland Timeline as the gold standard for speed accuracy and stability measuring. How do we know that every Timeline from the factory is calibrated accurately? How do you prove it? Who knows?

I for one am super happy with my TW table. And I certainly don't let anything affect that status except my own ears.

Les keep the discussions on this board lively and informative. But take nothing personally!