Is Coincident Statement Phono pre-amp an overkill

Is it an overkill for my Clearaudio Concept TT and Concept MM cartridge.

I am a new to Analog but clearly its going to be my #1 source of listening pleasure I know already.

Should I start the safe route of picking up an EAR 834P and then going up the chain.

What are your views on this phono stage in general is it worth the money, I have a chance to get one at 25% off retail, which for this phono as I understand never happens, have not seen this phono in Audiogon ever in the last 6 months of looking everyday.
Get the EAR 834P.

Maybe one day you will have a table, arm and cartridge that can make the most of a phonostage like the Coincident.

In my opinion, you want to try to keep some sort of balance even during the upgrade process. There will come a time when you make a big jump to the next level - but I don't think this is the right one.

Just let it slide out of your mind and don't think about what could have been. It will come around.

Well two different camps have emerged, both are rational. Personally I wouldn't waste time with buying .the EAR phono stage(when you aspire for better). Get the best now and gradually bring your other components to this same high standard over time. As Onhyw61 said earlier, this isn't a race. Brett(Isochronism), you and I think alike in this matter. Nice thread.
Charles, I don't disagree with the "go for it" philosophy. I only advocate careful decision-making, and THEN go for it.
I love spending other people's money. ;-)

Clearaudio Concept TT $1400
Concept MM cartridge $250
Coincident Dragons (used) $5000 (?)
Triode TRX-1 Preamp $3000
Vienna Acoustics Haydn $900
Pyle pro phono amp $15

Where are the weak links?

Spend $4500 on a Coincident Phono stage, or spend $895 on a EAR 834P (upgrade that $15 phono stage) and put the $3500 towards your next pair of speakers?

I know what I would do.

You point out the imbalanced quality of components and I agree. Getting
the EAR is not an upward/final destination choice, it just fits in with the
current analog level. To use a sports analogy, draft the best athlete/player
you can get. Make this draft pick your foundation and build round him with
other good players (a rising tide philosophy). I'd get the great player
(Coincident) rather than the lesser player (EAR) that just satifies a vacant
slot temporarily. But I do understand your reasoning as well. The
Coincident phono +the Dragon mono blocks = two very impressive building
blocks for the very long term.