I haven't heard a TW Raven - I think Graham Tricker imports them into the UK and he does have a good ear for sound. I have heard an inspire modded Lenco and thought it had real drive and oomph - very enjoyable - it kind of re-injecte the energy of a live performance IMHO. Whilst I understand Syntax rather abrasive comments that the Syntax ain't the best of the best the original question was the Lenco vs the Raven not the Lenco vs the Air Force One or the Caliburn Continuum.
Whilst High Fidelity is the pursuit of accuracy - I recall a talk by Michael Fremer and Ken Kessler who said they've heard no system they've heard can reproduce the sound of a large kettle drum hit by a strong man - systems that produce the weight never catch the pace, and those that get the strike never get the weight - various aspects are reproduced. Likewise there was a very good article a few years ago on the SPL levels required to match just a piano and a saxophone whilst sounding realistic. Let's face it the moment something is recorded it's not as if one can fit an orchestra in their lounge. I think this and the fact that it is very rare when we get to genuinely hear 'live music' that has led to the High End moving into the direction that it is currently going - a nice sound. I've heard a lot of high end audio and am often left feeling very unsatisfied with the degree of colouration and what I believe to be a sheen - a classic example is the Kondo cartridge, wired tonearm, step up transformer, phono amp, power amp, cables, and Kondo wired living voice speakers. I don't get it - call me a luddite if you will. I think the same of Zanden electronics which I think sound soft and fuzzy.
Everyone who has a Lenco talks of Arthur Salvatores' observations as proof positive that it is the best deck ever, that enthusiasm coupled with I built it myself can well colour ones views - trust me I have made speakers for myself and thought they are great and then re-installed my old speakers and realised that I've achieved nothing (sadly).
IMHO get a Lenco, give it a whirl, you might like it, you can go lots of different ways in its construction, the pros have experience but they are limited by budget, marketability, and profit - you won't be so constrained. My only real concern with the Lenco is speed stability though I am told the PTP sorts out the problem.
Whilst High Fidelity is the pursuit of accuracy - I recall a talk by Michael Fremer and Ken Kessler who said they've heard no system they've heard can reproduce the sound of a large kettle drum hit by a strong man - systems that produce the weight never catch the pace, and those that get the strike never get the weight - various aspects are reproduced. Likewise there was a very good article a few years ago on the SPL levels required to match just a piano and a saxophone whilst sounding realistic. Let's face it the moment something is recorded it's not as if one can fit an orchestra in their lounge. I think this and the fact that it is very rare when we get to genuinely hear 'live music' that has led to the High End moving into the direction that it is currently going - a nice sound. I've heard a lot of high end audio and am often left feeling very unsatisfied with the degree of colouration and what I believe to be a sheen - a classic example is the Kondo cartridge, wired tonearm, step up transformer, phono amp, power amp, cables, and Kondo wired living voice speakers. I don't get it - call me a luddite if you will. I think the same of Zanden electronics which I think sound soft and fuzzy.
Everyone who has a Lenco talks of Arthur Salvatores' observations as proof positive that it is the best deck ever, that enthusiasm coupled with I built it myself can well colour ones views - trust me I have made speakers for myself and thought they are great and then re-installed my old speakers and realised that I've achieved nothing (sadly).
IMHO get a Lenco, give it a whirl, you might like it, you can go lots of different ways in its construction, the pros have experience but they are limited by budget, marketability, and profit - you won't be so constrained. My only real concern with the Lenco is speed stability though I am told the PTP sorts out the problem.