worst sounding great lps

Boss-born to run
Deep Purple-Machine Head
Meatloaf-bat out of hell
Paraneer - My experience matches yours on Katy Lied vinyl... "the blanket effect". Just ordered the 1999 re-mastered CD ($5 new w/shipping from Amazon). Supposedly it was re-mastered right with Fagen, Becker & Nicols all involved. We shall see (or hear, I guess).
Don't get your hopes up on Katy Lied, Ghosthouse. I have a re-issue vinyl copy and the 1999 CD, MCAD-11916 copyright 1999, bar code 08811 19162. Don't know if the CD is remastered; there is nothing in the jacket info about that. Regardless, the CD does not sound as good as the vinyl when I use my PL-15D II / 2M Red rig. I consider the vinyl unplayable on my Sota / Graham / XX2 MKII rig. Good luck and happy listening anyway!