Windfield Cartridge

Anyone have a viewpoint on this one?
Mulveling, I have not heard the Cadenza Bronze but by all accounts it is a fine, essentially neutral, cartridge with a dash of warmth. If the Bronze seems ideal to you in your system, then perhaps the Black would be less ideal.

I didn't found the Jubilee "slightly bright/analytical" - in fact I thought the Jubilee was slightly reticent in the highs though quite well balanced overall. The Black has more clarity and energy in the highs (more like the A90) but never 'bright'. Note that I've used Harbeth speakers - 3 different models - for the past 8 years and they have a rather smooth top end balance.

I find the Black to sound quite robust and realistic with acoustic instruments and voice - which is important to me - and I thought the Jubilee was similar though without the same overall clarity/transparency and liveliness.

In a nutshell, if you're expecting more warmth from the Black vs the Jubilee I don't think you'll find it.
Mulveliing....did you ever investigate the Benz LPS MR? Sounds like the perfect answer for you. Theres a good one for sale on AudioAssylum.
Stringreen -- I've definitely flirted with idea of Ruby Z or LPS, but never dove in. It's not a bad idea at all, but the last few years' supply issues made me more wary.

I started out in analog with a Glider L2 (GREAT starter cart) and also later tried a Wood M2 and Ref 3. At that time I was comparing against the Kontrapunkt a/c, which were clearly the better technical performers at their respective price points, and I preferred the Ortofons. That said, the Benz carts do have a nice musical balance with a touch of warmth in the midrange (I did wish their treble was cleaner). If the higher Benzes maintain that Benz sound combined with technical abilities beyond that of a Cadenza Bronze, I would certainly like that very much!
Mulveling...If you're really interested, I have one you can try out. Let me know
Thanks for the generous offer, but after careful consideration I'm ~99%
decided on a new Windfeld, to give it another shot in my evolved system
(better speakers, better TT and arm). I had treble peakiness issues (i.e. ear-
sear) with it in my last setup, but in retrospect it's more likely that the
speakers were at fault -- I had to throw a lot of warm stuff behind them to
tame the treble, including a Koetsu cart. And I'm feeling myself drawn back to
the memory of the Windfeld's epic resolution and bass -- that would go nicely
with my current setup.

There's been a lot of good things said about the Windfeld in this thread, and I
guess that's helped rekindle my fondness of its strengths. My only remaining
reservation would be about the midrange, and whether I'll still hear a slight
digital-like lack of soul -- whereas the Cadenza Bronze definitely has soul in
the midrange -- but currently I'm enjoying the Bronze, while yearning for and
craving more refinement & resolution that I know the Windfeld can supply in