Windfield Cartridge

Anyone have a viewpoint on this one?
Mulveliing....did you ever investigate the Benz LPS MR? Sounds like the perfect answer for you. Theres a good one for sale on AudioAssylum.
Stringreen -- I've definitely flirted with idea of Ruby Z or LPS, but never dove in. It's not a bad idea at all, but the last few years' supply issues made me more wary.

I started out in analog with a Glider L2 (GREAT starter cart) and also later tried a Wood M2 and Ref 3. At that time I was comparing against the Kontrapunkt a/c, which were clearly the better technical performers at their respective price points, and I preferred the Ortofons. That said, the Benz carts do have a nice musical balance with a touch of warmth in the midrange (I did wish their treble was cleaner). If the higher Benzes maintain that Benz sound combined with technical abilities beyond that of a Cadenza Bronze, I would certainly like that very much!
Mulveling...If you're really interested, I have one you can try out. Let me know
Thanks for the generous offer, but after careful consideration I'm ~99%
decided on a new Windfeld, to give it another shot in my evolved system
(better speakers, better TT and arm). I had treble peakiness issues (i.e. ear-
sear) with it in my last setup, but in retrospect it's more likely that the
speakers were at fault -- I had to throw a lot of warm stuff behind them to
tame the treble, including a Koetsu cart. And I'm feeling myself drawn back to
the memory of the Windfeld's epic resolution and bass -- that would go nicely
with my current setup.

There's been a lot of good things said about the Windfeld in this thread, and I
guess that's helped rekindle my fondness of its strengths. My only remaining
reservation would be about the midrange, and whether I'll still hear a slight
digital-like lack of soul -- whereas the Cadenza Bronze definitely has soul in
the midrange -- but currently I'm enjoying the Bronze, while yearning for and
craving more refinement & resolution that I know the Windfeld can supply in