Because everyone sees the risk with used cartridges, the second hand prices really can be a real bargain. I have only bought one new cartridge in 10 years and that was discounted. There have been a koetsu Rosewood Signature and an Urushi, also an Ortofon SPU Synergy.
There have been no quality problems with any of them, though the Urushi was not a good match with my current arm. Remember there are several very good re tipping companies around who can check them out. My favourite cartridge ever and the best bargain? The Rosewood Signature. I bought it for $1100 shipped, with a claimed 40 hours on it used it for 3 years, had it re tipped for £200 and sold it for $850. That really was a sweet cartridge.
Currently I use the Synergy and Benz Micro LP, bought new, but discounted, in rotation on an Ortofon 309D arm, with a TW Accustic Raven one. Very different but both very nice indeed