EMT direct drive and Technics SP-10 opinions?

I have an EMT 938 that I have been using for a few months and am trying to get some opinions on it. I also have an SP-10 mk2 that is still a project. My past turntables from the beginning are: Linn LP12, Forsell, Basis 2500, and more recently Redpoint model D. I'm wondering if a 948 or 950 is much different sounding than a 938. Also, how they compare to sp-10 mk2 and mk3. Thinking about making an arm board for the 938 and trying either a Tri-planar or a Reed tonearm. I'm running my EMT tonearm straight to my Atma-sphere MP-1 pre-amp now. What really interests me about my EMT table, even though in many ways my other tables rivalled it sonically, is that this table is the first table I've owned that I don't think about the platter turning. Also, out of all of them, the Redpoint and this EMT are the only ones that could hold pitch on piano accurately. Before the Redpoint I just avoided putting on solo piano. I used to think that this was a flaw of listening to vinyl. I sold the Redpoint a couple months ago and want to explore direct drive more.
I usually refrain from such a discussion (Sampsa), because after all, it's only my opinion, and unless you've been in my house, heard my system(s), and already know that our tastes are coincident, my opinion is worthless. However, since you asked: (1) The DP80 just does not sound as good as the SP10 Mk3, which I will use as a benchmark reference for discussion purposes. It is not quite as coherent and seamless. Actually, it's been so long since I listened to mine that I can no longer recall why it fell out of favor to be replaced by Mk3 and L07D. One can only use two tt's at a time, and it's in 3rd place. However, I am very excited to see what PBN has done/ can do for re-plinthing the DP80. Mine is in a custom-made slate slab, but the kludge in the DP80 may well be the metal case that surrounds the working bits. The PBN plinth gets rid of that and also takes the circuit boards off the structure, plus they replace the transformer with a modern higher VA rated toroid. I think their work has real potential to upgrade the DP80. FWIW, before I owned the Mk3, I did a head to head between DP80 and SP10 Mk2A, both completely refurbished with new caps and calibrated, both in identical slate slabs. To my ears, the DP80 bested the Mk2A, because the latter has a very faint grayish coloration that is probably curable with the Krebs mods to the motor. I believe the Mk2A coloration comes from an overactive servo, due to structural issues between the rotor and stator. Krebs takes care of that. However, I sold the Mk2A, based on the superiority to my ears of the DP80, before I bought the Mk3. If I owned a Mk2, the Krebs mod would be a no-brainer upgrade; it's cheaper than a mediocre cartridge. The Mk3 has no such coloration that I can hear. Rhythm and pace are like no other; I can hardly wait to hear what the Krebs mod can do for a Mk3. I like the L07D just as much, and yet it is very slightly different from the Mk3. Not surprising, because L07D has a coreless motor and a very relaxed servo that does not come into action unless there is serious speed drift. Perhaps that is why the L07D does sound more "relaxed" and very musical especially in the midrange. But I am also of necessity listening to the L07J tonearm that comes with L07D tt. The tonearm is wired with Litz wire, which, while not my favorite, has always impressed me with its tendency to sound midrange-y and "musical". I have not heard the Mk3 and L07D via the same tonearm or tonearm wire or cartridge, which makes a big difference. Also, I don't as a rule sit around making tt comparisons just for the fun of it. The TT101 is out of the picture unless or until I or Bill Thalmann can fix the intermittent fault with mine.
Thanks! Even if I haven't heard your system or our music tastes are not coincident, there's still information in your experience and I'm thankful that you shared it.
Yes, Thanks very much for sharing your experiences with those turntables. I'll have to research about the Krebs mods. Do you have a link for that.
Hi Steve, I am alas not sure if Thuchan is still member
of our forum but well that he owns everything of importance
that EMT ever produced. As far as I know at least 3 turntables.
He is a very nice guy and my suggestion is to consult
him via our members list.

Thank you for your interest.
For more info and contact details please go to my web page, krebsupgrade.com