Cartridge impedance loading question

Hi folks. I have a Shelter 501 Mk 11 cartridge going into a Lehmann Black Cube phono pre. The Shelter's impedance is 12 ohms. The recommended load impedance in the Shelter specs is ambiguous…

Other than a user retrofittable option the Lehmann moving coil options are 80, 100, 470 & 47k ohms. What would you be using?

Pretty easy to switch for SOME of us. I have to open the unit and remove and replace resistors... Don't tell me I only have to do it once when setting up the cartridge...I've already done it once, but wonder if a different value might be better.... The joy...
Stringreen...the OP's Lehmann has dip switches inside. He could put the cover back on, but leave the screws off until he found the right setting.

I think even you could handle that? :-)
The correct loading for the cartridge is 47K.

However, this may result in radio frequency bursts that might disturb the preamp. That is why it is equipped with loading options. The RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) is caused by the excitation of the RF circuit formed by the cartridge inductance and the capacitance of the interconnect cable. The loading detunes the circuit so the RF bursts cannot occur.

Generally speaking, the higher the load impedance the better, while at the same time being sufficient to detune the RF circuit such that no interference is heard (which will manifest as a brightness).

Another way to put this is that if tonality is unchanged, go with the highest impedance you can. This will allow more output from the cartridge.
The correct loading for the cartridge is 47K ?

There is no "correct" loading. Assuming you're going straight in, why don't you start at 100 ohms as suggested by Shelter and adjust it to taste?