Vinyl Record Cafe's

The other day I was in the SF Bay Area (Vallejo CA) and walked into a Cafe there called Nathan's and they have a public turntable for people to bring in their own records while sipping coffee or tea.

It was a big hit and everyone loved it.

I got into a discussion with a younger patron who didn't know why it sounded good. What do you tell people who are interested in analog.. why it's better etc?
I completely agree with you Oregonpapa. Tubes and a good "original" mono pressing knock a newbies socks off every time.
Agree Oregonpapa and Elinor, I haven't listened to digital in my rig since I got back into analog, don't have any hooked up. I can spot digital a mile away, especially at shows.
Love it! Good for you, Astralography. Out of curiosity, what is the turntable and cartridge? In my experience, the need for an expensive tt to show off the good things vinyl does well is often exaggerated.