Advice on phono pre

Looking to upgrade my phono section, and seeking some guidance.
Have a VPI HW jr, TNT platter, SAMA, SDS, JMW 10 with a New Zepher 2 cartridge.
I'm considering the Parasound JC3+ and the LKV 2-SB, at the moment.
Any suggestions/guidance as to a preference and why?
Looking to get a VPI Prime very soon , if that would make a difference.
Currently using a Simaudio LP3.5.
Check out Quicksilver Audio! I have the older model and I think it is outstanding ! IMO,nothing like tubes in a phono preamp.
I"m actually looking at phono pre's too. Not fond of the JC3+ in the systems I've heard them in compared to comparable or lower priced units. That's just me. I still think that you can't go wrong with Audio Research or Aesthetix right now. I haven't loved many of the hyped units out there for some reason. I have been wondering about Whest PS30 RDT if anyone has info. thanks
Need to upgrade my system info. Have a ref 3 preamp now. Would be interested in the sim power supply but can't get one to listen to as I'm rather far from a dealer.
Your system list shows that you have a high output cartridge. Are you planning on using a low output in the future, or are you going to stay with what you have?
You will get as many different opinions as you do answers. So I will throw my hat in the ring with the K&K Audio Maxxed Out phono stage. I am a big fan of Kevin Carter's work and this phono preamp is a real stand out. There was a recent review in the press (positive feedback, IIRC) and lots of happy owners who have posted about it.
