Advice on phono pre

Looking to upgrade my phono section, and seeking some guidance.
Have a VPI HW jr, TNT platter, SAMA, SDS, JMW 10 with a New Zepher 2 cartridge.
I'm considering the Parasound JC3+ and the LKV 2-SB, at the moment.
Any suggestions/guidance as to a preference and why?
Looking to get a VPI Prime very soon , if that would make a difference.
Currently using a Simaudio LP3.5.
Pbnaudio - you wouldn't have a conflict of interest with the B2B-1 would you?
Don't we all have conflicts? We all love what we love. I agree that audio pro's should let us know who they are, but if anyone asks what do you recommend, many will just post what they personally own even if they have' been out in the last few months to listen to a lot of products. I have no problem saying I like something that I don't own as do many others, but in the end it's all about listening for ourselves anyway.
The information provided indicated that PBN (Pbnaudio?) is the manufacturer of the B2B-1 unit.

There's no conflict of interest my post clearly indicates that I'm the maker of the Liberty B2B-1, the OP can then just check the links provided and make up his / her own mind.

Good listening

But you're promoting your own products. That is a clear conflict of interest. You should only be here to offer technical support advice like Jon Carr instead of hawking your products.

Shameful self-interest.