Advice on phono pre

Looking to upgrade my phono section, and seeking some guidance.
Have a VPI HW jr, TNT platter, SAMA, SDS, JMW 10 with a New Zepher 2 cartridge.
I'm considering the Parasound JC3+ and the LKV 2-SB, at the moment.
Any suggestions/guidance as to a preference and why?
Looking to get a VPI Prime very soon , if that would make a difference.
Currently using a Simaudio LP3.5.
"03-23-15: Bpoletti
Doug, there is no disclosure in this thread."

"03-20-15: Pbnaudio
Liberty B2B-1Liberty B2B-1...

From its maker
Good Listening

"From its maker" is adequate disclosure for me.
It appears more that you are saying the articles are from the maker, not that you're self-promoting. But you're still promoting your own products. That's completely unethical on a forum like this. I don't think I would ever do business with someone like you.

Why is it more "ethical" to use your own words for you to write glowingly about someone else product than for me to give information about one of the products that I make.

In this case you promote the Herron Phono Pre, which you have done on many many occasions, spreading countless superlatives within your text. As an excellent example of this read your original post above.

I'm sure it is an excellent product. However, if this forum is to be a place of information, and please note that the OP was directly asking about alternatives to the two he already have in consideration, then a post by me that unlike yours did not include any superlatives about the unit, rather links to more information and reviews about the unit, is in order. This way the OP has one more option to look at. Also please remember that just because you prefer one product does not constitute that all other products should be excluded form consideration.

Good Listening

I don't have a financial interest in Herron Audio components. You have a FINANCIAL INTEREST. That's the difference. I can describe what I hear honestly and without FINANCIAL INTEREST in the business, just an enjoyment of music.

I can own any components I want. I choose Herron because I have not heard better. I have not excluded or attacked comments from others who own (but TTBOMK do not have a FINANCIAL INTEREST) other components. I listen and learn. I'm often motivated to listen to other components that people WITHOUT FINANCIAL INTEREST seem to like.

Can you honestly say that you don't promote your components?
FWIW my opinion is that I see nothing whatsoever wrong or unethical with Peter calling attention to his own products, in his invariably understated (as opposed to over-the-top) manner, and given that he invariably accompanies those mentions with a manufacturer disclosure. In fact, given that his mentions of his products can be presumed to often be useful information not only to the OPs but also to others who may read the threads, while also of course potentially being of some benefit to his business, I fail to see how these kinds of posts can be viewed as anything other than mutually beneficial "win-wins."

-- Al