Advice on phono pre

Looking to upgrade my phono section, and seeking some guidance.
Have a VPI HW jr, TNT platter, SAMA, SDS, JMW 10 with a New Zepher 2 cartridge.
I'm considering the Parasound JC3+ and the LKV 2-SB, at the moment.
Any suggestions/guidance as to a preference and why?
Looking to get a VPI Prime very soon , if that would make a difference.
Currently using a Simaudio LP3.5.
FWIW my opinion is that I see nothing whatsoever wrong or unethical with Peter calling attention to his own products, in his invariably understated (as opposed to over-the-top) manner, and given that he invariably accompanies those mentions with a manufacturer disclosure. In fact, given that his mentions of his products can be presumed to often be useful information not only to the OPs but also to others who may read the threads, while also of course potentially being of some benefit to his business, I fail to see how these kinds of posts can be viewed as anything other than mutually beneficial "win-wins."

-- Al
"03-23-15: Bpoletti
But you're promoting your own products. That is a clear conflict of interest. You should only be here to offer technical support advice like Jon Carr instead of hawking your products.

Shameful self-interest."

Since when is it unethical to promote your own product? As long as he complies with AG's rules I don't see why it would be a problem. It's no different than if he were to place an ad in Stereophile. You have to go after the business somehow.
"It's no different than if he were to place an ad in Stereophile."

Ah, excuse me. He does have to actually pay for the ad in $phile......

Wow, the guy clearly stated who he was. No issue here. If he acted as if he had no affiliation with said product and then preceded to push it, well then you have a point. Clearly not what happened. I have never heard his phono and am not looking to replace my excisting unit. I find it informative to here from manufactures directly. Does not make me buy it. Interesting reading. Who knows what you may learn. Insight! ✌️

Theres a difference in our posts that seem to elude you, it is as you your self point out in your last post, yours include your opinion, mine do not include any opinion of my own.

Good Listening
