Basis Vector cartridge recommendations

Looking for some advice from the analog experts for a cartridge, running a Basis 2200 signature, Vector 4 tonearm with an Allnic 3000 phono stage, CJ Premier 14, Mac 501 amps and all Kubala- Sosna cabling. I have used an ortofon jubilee for 7 years or so and thinking about a change. short list:

Ortofon cadenza black - slightly concerned it might be too revealing with my Thiels and music preference - classic rock, blues, jazz.....

Ortofon bronze
Transfiguration Proteus
Lyra - never have moved me but limited experience

Any suggestions would be appreciated since auditions in my room are impossible. Thanks.
Thanks Jwm, I remember the threads about your Super Arm and how impressive it is! Hopefully you pop back on this thread and can comment on the synchro wave power supply and if it is worth the money?
Yes pops the Synchro wave power supply is a must have. It gives you a much smoother platter rotation and gives a much quieter background. I have observed without the synchro the motor vibrates and can send some of this to the platter. I noticed when the synchro is connected the motor becomes dead silent with no vibrations at all.
The Synchro wave power supply does a good job of smoothing the motor out, in part, because it splits the phase to the four pole motor and delivers two separate power feeds to the motor (the motor has to be sent back to Basis), instead of using a capacitor in the motor itself to split the phase. This is the superior way to provide outboard power. Those motor controllers that don't provide two separate phases of power (i.e., the type where one simply plugs the motor into the power supply) and rely on a capacitor in the motor are particularly less desirable when the controller is also used to change speed; the capacitor can be made ideal only for the 60 hz frequency that drives the motor and a change in frequency to change speed means that capacitor cannot be properly splitting phase.

I like the Synchro with my Basis Debut, but, I would characterize the improvement as fairly subtle (Basis already delivers a very quiet background without the Synchro). To me it is worth the money, but, I would not want anyone to expect too much of a difference.

Anyone with an old belt should replace their belt. Not only is a new belt always better, Basis has improved the quality control in manufacturing belts and this really boosts performance.
I have an update - installed the Proteus last week on my Vector 4 tonearm and could not be more pleased. What a cartridge! It does everything so well, excellent resolution without aggression, and voices just float and sound organic - like they are in the room but not in your face.

I only have around 8 hours on it so it needs some time to really settle in. It was not that difficult to install although getting overhang spot on was a challenge because of the small cantilever tucked under the body, as Chayro warned. If anyone is looking for me I will be spinning some wax!
That's a good description - "in your room, but not in your face." That's how I feel about the Orpheus as well. Very real sounding and un-hifi. Enjoy.