Your favorite three Rolling Stones songs?

OK, now that we know what your favorite Beatles songs are, how about the "bad boys of rock and roll."

At a recent meeting of the world's leaders, it was decided (Tony Blair abstained from voting) that no human can possess more than three songs by the Rolling Stones (obviously, Barry Manilow fans). So you have to toss out all your Stones music except three.

I would keep:
It's All Over Now
You Can't Always Get What You Want
Can't You Hear Me Knocking

Man, I hate these type of questions!
1. Fancy man blues - Curbach, this was recorded in 1989 and as far as I know only available on "Rolling Stones Collectibles", the 2nd cd in a two disc "Flashpoint" box set. 2. Gimme shelter , makes me wish that I knew how to play the drums! 3. I prefer the live "Get yer ya-ya's out" version of "Sympathy for the devil" to the studio version, but the are both excellent. I can't believe that I've made this list without "Satisfaction", but 3 is such a low number to choose from. Another great one is the live "little red rooster" with Clapton
Some of the best 'Stones I've heard is on a concert bootleg recorded in San Francisco around the time "Let it Bleed" was released. It is so cool to hear the audience not-applaud after hearing (what are now classic) tunes for the first time. The boys also had a rippingly good time playing old Chuck Berry numbers... Ya' know, Sir Mick (can't get used to that) has so much friggin' money... Couldn't he release the better bootleg stuff (like Lord Dylan)? A friend-of-a-friend had a collection of boots numbering around 50 (if I recall correctly). There is so much just ass-kicking good music that we can't hear...