Why so few balanced phono inputs?

I have been through the posts regarding whether a phono cartridge is a balanced connection or not and per Ralph Karsten etc. I agree it is balanced. It finally hit me why someone like Pass Labs doesn't offer a balanced input on a balanced unit (I wanted one until I saw they only had rca)...There are so few turntables that offer a balanced out connection. I got mine from VPI and it was easily switched and was a huge improvement... but are there other TT brands that offer a balanced connection? I was in a high end shop the other day...first time in a while... and saw none. Even SME didn't show one as an option on their site. Not trying to open the balanced vs. single-ended thing but maybe it is endemmic to the conversation. Thanks
NVO (New Valve Order) actually came out with their first units with balanced inputs (also had the RCA inputs as well) but over the last several years no one was using them so now, since these units are all made to order, are still offered with balanced inputs. However the last 25 units we have sold no one wants the balanced inputs which we find very strange indeed.
Any phono cable can be easily converted into a balanced one. Just snip off the RCA's off and solder the two cable leads onto XLR's.

Some single-ended cables are coaxial. Cut the RCA plug off the end and you will find up with a single conductor and a shield. This would make for a very poor balanced interconnect.
I'm using Ayre electronics all of which are dif. balanced, so I'm naturally using balanced all the way from the cartridge to the speakers. The sound is great...no hum/noise, even with the volume wide open and ear against the speaker.
2nd the response from Stringreen. The Ayre P-5xe mp manual shows the possible wiring for both rca and xlr cables.
I am using the shortest length cable for me system, custom made by moon-audio.com.
So we can tweak the sound with ICs if needed?

It's just like rolling tubes except with wires.

Lot's of other ways to tweak though, probably more effectively but that would require us to be smarter.