VPI, Graham, Koetsu advice please

Hopefully there are some experienced agoners out there that can help me figure this out. I use a Well Tempered Amadeus/ Lyra Kleos / Bob's devices step up / Lamm Lp2 - that finally, after many years, betters my modest digital side (Bob's Devices step up did the trick).

Through an unfortunate event, I now also have a VPI TNT 3.5 with Graham 2.2 arm and Koetsu Rosewood Signature and SDS. I set this all up last night and the VPI is dead silent compared with the well tempered's v low yet audible rumble between tracks. But, compared to the Amadeus/Lyra on actual music tracks, the VPI is comes across veiled, a bit congested, plodding, with no bass and no sparkle. And, please know overall I lean towards that tube sound (SET 211, etc).

Both are running thru Bob's SUT and then into a Lamm LP2. The only other difference is the Kimber TAK-H IC between the Amadeus and Bob's vs the hard wired Hovland IC from the Graham to Bob's.

What's going on here? I expected the TNT beast and lush Koetsu to destroy the Amadeus/Lyra. What would be your expectations? Before I move the Lyra onto the VPI, I thought I'd ask you all for suggestions. Thank you
Setup aside, your Koetsu never was the last word in resolution and I can understand why you find it veiled compared to your Lyra. Its also more colored compared to what you're used to. You can also try plugging it in directly to your LP2, you might like it better. That's the cartridge end I would also see why the arm was hardwired and try to reverse it.

Another issue is the mismatch between the Graham & Koetsu. The Koetsu is extremely low compliance and needs a high mass arm which the Graham is not. I think the combo is like putting tractor tires on a Lambo - yes it will drive but it will never be optimal.
There's acrylic and there's acrylic. The way you describe the unsatisfactory sound was the exact way mine was sounding. When I changed to the Classic platter, it was like heaven opened up. ...the new platter is not bright...just open and free.
The differences th OP is describing between the well Tempered/Lyra combo and the VPI/Koetsu are way beyond the platter material. To say this is causing the differences between these tables is pure hogwash! Could it be the Well Tempered combination is just plain better than the VPI combo? For what it's worth, I have compared Well tempered and VPI and have found Well Tempered superior. So have several dealers. VPI to me is mostly eye candy, so my choice for sonics should be obvious but I guess to a lot of you it is just an opinion.
M - My opinion is 180 degrees opposite yours. That's why both our comments are opinions.

I still think the difference is a mismatch of the cart-to-SUT. That is a critical link and varies greatly with cartridges and SUTs. If that matching is not spot-on (loading of both cart and SUT, and sonic footprints of both), then the sound will suffer as described by the op. Not the small amount that a VPI betters a Well Tempered ( ;) )