Have you had buyers/sellers back out of a deal?

Hi All,
Have you had a buyer or seller ever back out of a deal?
If so, would you please post your experience to this thread?
I don't know about you, but I've had this happen before and am WAY tired of the situation.

There are a LOT of RESPONSIBLE, REALLY nice folks on this site with good communication skills. And I've had, and I'm sure you too, have had some good experiences buying, selling, and just exchanging information.

But when someone makes an AGREEMENT to purchase or sell an item, and everything has been finalized, breaking/"changing their mind" to that agreement is called a BREACH or DEFAULT of contract.
At best, this wastes our time. At worst, we may have committed to sell a piece of gear to someone else in anticipation of getting the piece from the breached deal.

So what should we be able to do about this situation???

Did you know that this is NOT one of the FOUR situations that warrants negative feedback to be posted against someone's account here?!?

If you've had a similar thing happen to you, and would like to at least be able to post negative when/if it does, tell us about it please?
And also give your suggestions on what action could be taken (I'm sure this will get some interesting responses!) :-) to help keep this from happening in the future?

Thanks and Happy Listening!
My pet peeve are the people (both members and non-members) who email you saying that they want to buy the advertised item. After you accept their offer, you never hear from them again and they won't reply to your emails. This freezes the selling process for a period of time while I try to determine if the transaction is legit so I don't commit the same discourteous behavior in the other direction if the buyer just got busy at work, for example.

I know the difference between a "would you take" inquiry and an offer that is both extended and accepted, and these are in the latter category.

I've had this happen so many times (at least a dozen times) that I'm starting to wonder if they have computers in prison and I'm getting emails from prisoners who just want to talk to someone and pretend they could be buying some nice component.
I would say about 40% of the people who say they want an item back out usualy with no notice, most are non members and people with low feedback.I have sold 100s of items on the gon and most high feedback members are great .but the big problem to me is that people expect perfect items for a 3rd of retail or less.Or the guys that ask ?s that are answered in the add .Or the 25 email guys who never buy ,usually they want a call on your dime too.What can ya do ...
I have had too many buyers who say they want the item, then never write back, and many of these were members. I had a buyer who said he'd mail the check......the check never arrived nor did any more communication. This tied up my amplifier for two weeks. He was a non-member. I had someone strongly commit to an item yesterday after wanting me to call him in Canada, then he later emails me changing his mind. Part of business on the web.....
I think the key to a sucessful sale for both parties is communication.

I have extensive eBay experience and some people are very "shy" with the communication.

I think they feel it invades their privacy or something!

I emailed a guy three times about a CDP I wanted to buy before I got a response. Item has been up for 21 days!!!

Weird I think people forget about their items that are for sale or I don't know what?

New to 'gon my eBay identity: Joshcloud9
I've had my share of both buyer & seller backouts, which can certainly be frustrating, but they do not warrant feedback of any kind. If that were the case then the feedback system would be worthlessly clogged with useless trival bitching (he spelled my name wrong etc).
You can deal with whom you chose, & when something feels fishy I trust my gut instinct & shy away without remorse.