Does anyone run 2 or more turntables...

Does anyone run 2 or more turntables at the same time? What is your purpose?
I have one turntable with two arms so I can access different cartridges. Many times I’ve had two turntables in the system, typically short term to test one against the other to determine best performance.

I would like to have two “best” turntables with different high end tonearm and cartridge combinations.
I've got 4. Three are always set up for listening, two in my "upstairs" system, and one in my "downstairs" systemm. Yes, two complete high quality systems always at the ready. If you count my Victor TT101, which may never be reliable enough to listen with, I actually have 5 turntables in fact.
I have 3 - Rega P9 with stereo cart. in "main" system; SOTA Sapphire with mono cart. in "main" system; Rega P9 with stereo cart. in secondary system.
I have Kuzma Stabi Reference with Reed 3P and Triplanar VII
in my main system. Both arms have fast headshells while I own many carts. For quick and easy cart change I have the Ikeda 345 with removable headshell on the SP 10/II in my second system.
That's why the Aesthetix Rhea phonostage has 3 inputs (not the least of its charms). I have two arms (one dedicated to mono) on my replinthed Lenco and use a separate Empire 298 turntable for 78s. Yes, I know, the Lenco can play 78s too (just as the Empire can play LPs) but whoever suspected record-playing fanatics of being logical?