VPI setup

I just received my VPI Classic 1 -- 30th Anniversary turntable. Purchased on eBay, which I hope was not a mistake.

This is my first attempt to setup up a turntable. I have read the manual several times, and looked for videos and other sites reviewing setup. The TT has a uni-pivot arm which wobbles a lot and apparently that's just how it's designed.

So I'm playing my first records on the setup and there are two problems.

1. Skipping, even on new records. I have an Ortofon Quintet Bronze (new to me purchased slightly used on Audiogon). I've adjusted the tracking force to 2.6 using the Shure tool included with the VPI. This is slightly over the recommended range 2.1-2.5g. Do I still need to increase the tracking force a bit?

2. Voices are fuzzy. The only vocals I have are on regular vinyl. I do have some Mobile Fidelity Original Master Recordings of jazz (no vocal) and it sounds fantastic. But even these will skip, albeit less frequently.

Neither were an issue with my lesser Traveler and Bronze MM cartridge -- no skipping and no fuzzy vocals.

I've eyeballed for azimuth and followed all the VPI instructions the best I can.

I'm also wondering if given my investment I need to also purchase a good record cleaner -- better than my cheapo Spin Clean. Maybe with this step up to the Classic 1 and the Quintet Bronze it's just sensitive to every bit of dust and flaw.


VPI Classic 1 with Ortofon Quintet Bronze MC cartridge
Herron Audio VTPH - 2 phono preamp
Cary Audio SLP for linestage preamp
McCormack DNA-750 mono blocks
Vandersteen 3a Signature speakers
van Den Hul and WireWorld Silver Eclipse 7 interconnects
The turntable setup article on walkeraudio.com will help you.
No you don't need to upgrade from spinclean to get it play correctly. Records shouldn't skip, so something is off. Remember that adjusting azimuth might acccidently change VTF, so repeat your measurements. Don't go over the recommended VTF range.

Take your time using the jig to get correct overhang. It that's off, you are not going to get everything else right. Cart setup is a pain. TAKE YOUR TIME, take breaks if you need to. Patience is the key! Cheers,
I agree the spin clean is sufficient.

Do not go any higher on the tracking force IMO but certainly okay to stay at the higher end of the spec.

Recheck azimuth and also make sure the arm is level(ships wheel adjustment) for rake angle.

You may also want to try some damping fluid but go slow here as too much will kill the dynamics. Hope this helps.

1- Have you watched the Michael Fremer tonearm set-up DVD?
2- Where in the country are you?