Michael Fremer's record cleaning process....

Many years ago (say 15??) Michael Fremer recommend his way of cleaning vinyl records. It was a process that started with the VPI cleaner and solutions and finishing with some dry pads (don’t remember the name) and another run on the VPI (I think). Does anyone remember the process??
P.S. I checked his site and don't see it there?


RWD (Rick)
Slaw: with due respect, the older I have gotten, the less I believe that there is "one best" anything- writer, cleaning method, record, etc. (Frogman did you a solid in response to your 'extraordinary recordings thread' in a somewhat similar vein). FWIW, you refer to MFremer in the third person in your last post, when 'Grooves' who directly addressed some of your comments immediately above, is M Fremer. Perhaps you didn't know that.....
About 18 or so years ago, I popped in the Joule Electra/Merlin room @ CES. Michael was in there, and pulled out the 45rpm Stairway to Heaven. It was pretty incredible sounding, and of course I bought the Classic 200 gram box, which came with 45. I already had all the Classics in 180 gram, but I just had to have that 45. He was such a humble guy, and he truly keeps the vinyl torch lit. Let's face it, guys like Michael and Chad truly make a difference. Very cool stuff guys, and please keep it up. Cheers -Don
Michael Fremer's tutorials basically say "this is how I do it".
I see no problem and appreciate having him. He is a big help to all of us.
Whart: To begin with, I made my latest comment in advance of when "Grooves" comment posted, so as usual, Audiogon's timimg is off.

I am a proponent of discovering, all things analog for one's-self. I really didn't find that Grooves comments in any way differentiated with mine. Regarding Frogman doing me a "solid", you'll have to address your inference to him. I do think he makes a valid point that otherwise is forgotten. This, in no way affects/affected my decision to keep 'El Camino" on my list of Extraordinary Recordings On Vinyl". (deluxe version). In fact, if you'd had an issue with it, I would have been glad to address that at the appropriate time. Since you waited until a later/different post to bring it up, I must assume there is another issue on your mind.

I have wondered and find it somewhat odd that when I post anything recently that Qdrone responds to, you are there with a response. Any connection?

Since you brought up Frogman's (solid), I feel that I have a precident as well.

I think a major point to bring up here is Grooves recommendation of ( The Beatles Mono Box, "Revolver". I find it to be the lesser, sonically of say SGT. Peppers, or MMT. Of coarse I don't have a mono cart. The soundstage is closed in by comparison. We surely can discuss it further. If then I'm pointed out to be wrong, I'll ADMIT IT! ( unlike others here).