Why do digital cables sound different?

I have been talking to a few e-mail buddies and have a question that isn't being satisfactorily answered this far. So...I'm asking the experts on the forum to pitch in. This has probably been asked before but I can't find any references for it. Can someone explain why one DIGITAL cable (coaxial, BNC, etc.) can sound different than another? There are also similar claims for Toslink. In my mind, we're just trying to move bits from one place to another. Doesn't the digital stream get reconstituted and re-clocked on the receiving end anyway? Please enlighten me and maybe send along some URLs for my edification. Thanks, Dan
Hi Osgorth.

German technicians are well-known perfectionists: ME-109 fighter plane, Panzer tanks, 88mm multi pupose canon,WW II standard 7.62 machine gun (which the US Army adopted as the MG60 in the late 50s and is still using 50 years later), the early Telefunken TVs and radio tuners, the VW bug, Porsche racing cars (especially, the 956 and the 962), anything optical, etc...

Perhaps MBL components are perfect and therefore not subject to improvement by cables.
Did you test only by doing a rapid A/B between cables? In my experience, that methodology usually yields a "no difference" conclusion.
Osgorth, I think you've just done the test many here may have preferred you hadn't. Well done! From a technical point of view, there's no reason for digital cables to sound different provided they're made to a good basic standard, but there are plenty of audiophiles with bat ears who can 'hear' some amazing differences in various cables. I'm not surprized at your findings at all.

As for Drubin's comment about A/B comparisons; I've written in previous threads that this is the ONLY way to truly listen for discrete differences, as it allows the brain to do a true real-time comparison.

Long listening tests (where you listen for a longer period), then change cables and listen again requires you to compare the new sound to your memory of the first, which is less accurate IMHO. Not only are you relying on your memory of the sound, but you can introduce variations due to shut-down and restart of components, unlplugging and reconnecting cables and so on. Such comparisons work for hearing gross changes, but not the very small variations in digital cable sound.
Allow me to defend my position with this observation from personal experience: switching between tape and monitor when dubbing to a cassette deck, one might be hard-pressed to hear much difference. One would be very wrong.