Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???

While i have my opinions on this subject, i'd love to hear from others that have tried various methods of "burning in" cables, what was used to do it, what differences were noticed ( if any ), etc... Please be as specific as possible. If your a "naysayer" in this area, please feel free to join in BUT have an open mind and keep this thread on topic. Sean
Miracle Products:
For swimming pool owners, we have a "water condition". After filling your pool, it stirs up the water for several hours. You would be amazed at how the much smoother it is after being broken in. It relaxes the water molecules.

For your car: Don't use oil that hasn't been broken in! THis new device subjects the oil to real conditions for several hours before your oil change. You would be amazed at how much less grainy the oil is.

Got stiff, lazy, or jerky electrons in your cables? Our cable conditioner will get those darn electrons whipped into shape in no time. Our condition has several hours of specially designed "music for electrons". This special computer generated music will energize reluctant electrons and remind them to behave properly.
Miracle Cures: Stevemj needs a keyboard break in device. His present model is stiff, and will not respond properly to input no matter how often he gives it the finger. Data that it does transmit, is either out of context or condescending.

Perhaps instead, it is his computers chip set, and the keyboard is not at fault. The processor has never been broken in with sufficient hours of full bandwidth truth, thereby producing answers not applicable to actual human experience.

Or, the last possibility is that the devices are OK, and the operator is not broken in. This situation is very dangerous at an audio site. Postings here are required to be from people who listen to music and realize that dealing with equipment is a fact of life.

In that case, the miracle cure would consist of Stevemj turning off his computer, hooking up a set of cables, and breaking himself in at the same time as the wire. I'll bet that in less than 100 hours, his keyboard would begin to respond as accurately the other posts on this topic. If he resists, he can return to his "water conditioned" pool. I am certain he has experimented with it quite a lot, as he is certainly all wet.
Like i said, don't knock them until YOU have tried them first hand. Until then, you're simply speaking out of ignorance with a complete lack of experience to support your statements. You have cited NO factual information in ANY of your "tirades" even though you have challenged every statement that some of us have made pertaining to this subject.

As to your "funny" comments and examples, water CAN be "softened" in a pool. Obviously, there are chemicals that can do this job rather rapidly. As you correctly stated in your "example", the other way is via mechanized circulation . This is true if the temperature of the water was such that it was partially frozen. Circulation would raise the overall temperature due to friction, causing the frozen water to "soften", become less "grainy" or
"hard" : )

As to wire and cables, there are differences in the grain or "crystal structure" of specific metals. This is well known and documented. While i can't speak first-hand of whether or not anything is altered in the "break in process" with these using scientific terminology or data, my ears tell me that there IS a difference. Maybe Jack Bybee can explain this to you in the terms that you'd like to see. After all, he is a physicist who has worked in-depth on the subject for the U.S. Government.

On top of that, there ARE chemical changes that take place when different metals are used in conjunction with each other (electrolysis). Who is to say that applying voltage to the junction points, connections, plating or to the cable itself is not "treating" it in some manner ???? After all, we have copper, silver, brass, gold, aluminum, rhodium, tin, lead, etc... making contact with each other in almost all of the wires that we use.

On top of this, a metalurgist WILL verify that temperatures and application of electricity DO alter metals. While this can be demonstrated on a very short term / extreme situation basis, WHO has documented what takes place over a very extended period of time given less extreme conditions ? Please site the specific studies that your referring to and how we can all access these findings.

Until you can provide the proof to deny the findings that THOUSANDS of people will testify to via first hand experience, your argument holds no more (if not LESS) water than the case presented by the "believers" here on this forum and many other like-minded sites around the world. Sean
Proof, Sean? You don't sound like a guy who's even interested in proof. Obviously, no one can prove that your professed experience with cable break-in is a figment of your imagination. For that matter, you cannot prove it isn't. (Actually, you could, but that would require the kind of test I'm sure you can find fault with.) But there is no known physical phenomenon that would explain this effect (despite your rather strained attempts to suggest such), while there is a known psychological phenomenon that explains it pretty well. And we are all free to use or not use that information as we wish.
Sean; where are the Mobie and Cable Cooker available from? Thanks. Garfish the Believer.