Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???

While i have my opinions on this subject, i'd love to hear from others that have tried various methods of "burning in" cables, what was used to do it, what differences were noticed ( if any ), etc... Please be as specific as possible. If your a "naysayer" in this area, please feel free to join in BUT have an open mind and keep this thread on topic. Sean
A $ (or euro) 0,02 "burned" vs. raw cable, blind testing experiment.
Unanimously, "burned in" cables sounded better overall: slightly more musical (I use the word as proposed in the posts following Detlof's thread on the subject), also, thicker bass, smoother vs strident highs, better imaging.

Story: Prompted by Sean's thread & the plethora of fascinating posts (thank you, all), I convinced the local Nordost dealer & two other audiophiles to conduct a blind A-B listening test. Dealer provided the cable info below.
Test cables: Nordost Quattro fil (IC). Burn-in: dealer's german machine (clearaudio?), allegedly 1 week + normal use, 1 week. Control cables, 4fil out of the box.
Test cables used between pre & power.
System parametres:
"Burnt-in" (dealer) quattro fil IC, spm ref speaker cables.
Sources: Clearaudio ref TT/Insider. Symphonic Line Reference CDP.
Amps: Symphonic Line Kraftquelle pre, RG7 power (also "burnt-in" according to dealer). A-Physic Avanti speakers.
Music excerpts: P Floyd "The Wall" ("...we don't need no educAItion..."), LP / Mahler 5th, Barbirolli (intro, ofcourse: those winds...), CD / Meet Me in London, Naim CD ("Caruso" with a female voice.)/Chesky's "Golden Ears" (Vivaldi's flute concerto, intro to 1st flute solo)
The 3-strong "panel" had 10 points assessment sheets, too, prepared by one who is a contributor to a local audio mag. (We tried to do this, seriously...)

What else? I had a great time playing audio reviewer, listened to the excerpts religiously and repeatedly for 4 hrs. It'll take some time before I listen to this stuff again (desintoxication).
Ofcourse, this was an informal experience that I thought of sharing with y'all as a small token to the posts above.

Cheers, Greg
My sincere thanks to Redkiwi and the others here that are as obsessed with the music as I am. I was afraid I would open this thread tonight and see a big bloody battle again. It is SO nice to see familiar names and sensible data posted on this subject.
I have to agree with Albert. Aside from a few posts that aimed for the jugular, i think that we were able to confirm at least ONE thing and do it reasonably civil. Most of the "regulars" agree and those that didn't agree still don't.

As an electronics tech, i can somewhat understand where some of these folks are coming from. It is hard for those that are "technically minded" and "electronically educated" to basically "renounce" or "dismiss" all of their education and background. As such, they will probably continue to believe as they do until they are shown differently or experience "changes" for themselves. I know that i used to think that a lot of this stuff was all "hogwash". First hand experience is HARD to deny, especially if the differences are quite obvious.

The funny thing that i find about all of these "wire debates" is that the "average person" simply listens and makes observations for themselves. While they are "uneducated" as to brands, specs, etc... or what to expect from specific models or designs, they can typically identify differences quite readily in MOST comparisons. On the other hand, those that are "electronically educated" seem to denounce any differences. Is it due to "preconcieved notions" ??? You can't say that this is the case with the "average person" as they have NO background or ideas as to what to expect from brand x or brand y. They simply have to go by their own judgement and what they experience first hand.

While i know that the "purists" will say that sighted tests mean NOTHING, i do not share that opinion for the above reasons. As such, i think that most people want to use what works or "sounds" best in their system, regardless of brand or design. If we are "normal" citizens, finding the best performer at the lowest price is something that we would all strive for. If that truly were the case, we would all own Pioneer, Technics, Fisher, etc... if it DID perform the same or better than many of the other brands that we do use. Seeking something "better" is what led us away from most of those pieces into the the components and cables that we use today. As such, we have "learned" much along the way in terms of hands & "ears on" experience. Like those that are "electronically educated", we are not about to throw away OUR "education" in these matters without being shown something different first-hand. We are simply the other side of the same coin.

On that "note", i'd like to say thanks to all for voicing an opinion and i hope that you enjoy your music and systems. Whatever they may be.... Sean
Hi Sean. I am going to make one "picky point", that is meant to add to your post rather than negate it. And that is that I disagree that the techs have to "renounce" or "dismiss" anything except their assumptions. For a true scientist, all you have to do is accept that there might be more than you currently understand, or that maybe you haven't applied your existing knowledge to what is really going on.

I have two daughters aged 7 and 9, and keep reminding them of a "SECRET". That secret is that the biggest fool in the world is the person that believes he/she knows everything. Beliefs are very useful things to have, but just like the shoes they grow out of so regularly, that they need to always be ready to grow out of their beliefs too.