Stereophile looses Jonathan Scull

General Asylum
FYI, Stereophile looses Jonathan Scull

Posted by Gordon Rankin (M) on March 29, 2002 at 12:39:56
Heard about this yesterday and conformation today from J10 that Primedia (Stereophile's parent company) wanted to slim down it's staff in all magazines let J10 go yesterday.
I have know Jonathan for sometime now and his certain wit will leave Stereophile a little colder than it was before.
Thanks J10 for the bandwith!
J. Gordon Rankin
Even though I always thought J10 was a little goofy, I did enjoy some of his tweak(s) articles. It's looking grimmer and grimmer for Stereophile-- I mean who's left of the "old gang" that made Stereophile great (for audiophiles). It's rapidly turning into a mainstream "slick"-- for awhile-- then it's the magazine boneyard; all IMHO of course. No Cheers here. Craig
I really think the time has come to start a new magazine with all the unemployed talent out there. IMHO FI and ULTIMATE AUDIO where two of the best magazines. When new owners take over they only look at the bottom line and quality of content goes down, can you say Stereophile. I hope J-10 lands a job at the Absolute Sound.
Don't know the gent personally but have read some of his articles in the past. He's the dude with the weird listening chair and the French wife if memory serves. In any event, the day of the magazines creating hype and such are gone...if you want to learn from others with truly informed opinions just hang around here for a while. No agendas, just the facts as he/she sees 'em. The future of the hobby is (as Van Halen so aptly put it) "Right Here, Right Now"