Sakura Systems OTA Cable Kit

Has anyone tried this "minimalist" cable kit? After receiving a recommendation from someone with similar musical values to myself, and whose ears I trust, I could not resist ordering one. I will report on how they sound in a few weeks, but am interested in others' opinions too.

For those that have not heard about them look at for an interesting read. The cable sounds as if it is very close to the specification of the conductors in Belden Cat5. So I may have spent around 100 times what the kit is worth. We shall see.

If you have not heard this cable, please don't bother posting your opinions of how it MUST sound here. Nor am I that interested in hearing how stupid I must be to order this kit - it's my money and you are free to make different decisions with yours. Sorry for this condition, but I am bored with those that have nothing positive to offer on this site, and post their opinions based on deductive logic rather than actual experience.

"Sead: "Please, don't use OTA from cartridge to phono stage!" Sead, I hope you spend a little time discussing what makes this prohibition necessary. There is something mysterious here..."

Slawney, nothing mysterious, simply OTA is too rigid not to mess up with the designed movement of the tonearm and can lead into a serious damage to the cartridge as a medium term effect. Very simple. Even if you spiral it, put it any way you want it, it will still affect the bearing movement (or/and azimuth with unipivot tonearms), not to mention the antiskating adjustment. Btw is absolutely right. Even "not seriously affect" is a serious thing in the game of small figures as they are in the arm/cart game. My guess is that even if OTA would be 0.1mm instead of 0.4mm it would still be too much of spring effect introduced for a solid core cable. If you want to get rid of your cartridge, I can think of several less painfull ways. :-)

"For deoxidation/desulfidization the technical sprays from CRC (by which I mean Kontakt 60 and Kontakt 61) have worked wonderfully with OTA, and exhibit only minimal detrimental effect on sound. BTW, CRC puts out alot of other technical sprays: Kontakt WL, Kälte 75 Super, Kontaflon 85, Drückluft 67 plus, Video 90, Tuner 600, Sprühöl 88, Screen 99, Antistatik 100, Etikette LX, and Reiniger 601 do their specific jobs right."

Water dilluted sodium bicarbonate is adequate for the job. Cheap, neat, mild and clean, without side effects.
Most of the commercial deoxidants I've tried are either pretty agressive or have tendency to leave a sort of "protective" film which is something I am not particularly fond of.

Best regards,
Ok, sead, no OTA tonearm wire for the time being. I suppose there is no way to soften OTA for this without damaging its sonic performance, and no way to install OTA as tonearm wire without damaging cartridge.

Did 47 Labs supply the wire to Miyabi for the Miyabi/47 cartridge?

Also, Kontakt 61 leaves a protective film afterwards, but 60 does not.

Have OTA now as bi-wire bridges on loudspeakers. Loved it the first half hour, but now it is the usual break-in with frequency response going in different directions. Will just have to wait and listen...
Bill, I've been using the OTA as power cords for more than 8 months. The sort of changes in sound was similar to those when I installed OTA as speaker cable and interconnect. That means that all kind of colorations and dirtiness just disappeared (I was using Transparent and Electrocompaniet power cords before). For me, the OTA power cords brought the final word to 47 labs "sound".
Both Humpty and Dumpty are connected through the ONE AC plug into the ONE AC wall socket. All metal parts from the plugs (both IEC and AC plug) are removed (screws, etc) except, of course, metal pins that go into the wall socket. There is no ground connection. The wires are not shielded; it degrades the sound.

Best regards,

Thanks a lot for the detailed feedback. It's interesting to note that another friend who has been fabrication his own power cords, also told me that its a good idea to remove the ground and the shielding whenever possible. This friend also mentioned that the cables should not be too tightly bound together or it'll screw up the sound. I've already bought the AC and IEC plugs and I'll try the power cords next week.

I agree with the post - several posts back - about not twisting the cable. The sonic result is awful.

However, one configuration that sounded very good to me was;
- get a length of plastic rod or tube with good dialectric qualities and good flexibility - usually a foam rod is best
- wrap one conductor around the rod, from end-to-end, circling the rod once every six inches or so.
- do the same with a second conductor but wrap it counter to the first one, so that it is therefore crossing the first one twice every six inches.

I suppose in theory this configuration has lowish capacitance, and lower inductance than letting the cable fall chaotically on the floor (the approved method). Whatever, the result sounds cleaner to me. Certainly, I prefer the physical result too.

Don't ask me where I got the central foam rod - I took it out of the center of some Straightwire speaker cable I didn't mind butchering.