Hello David! I have never listened to the Alpha Core Goertz speaker cables so I cannot judge them. OTA replaced Yammamura speaker cables and interconnects in my system and I could only say that the OTA surpassed Yammamuras easily. No, the OTA is not praised too high.
I already wrote a few words about 4719 cables so I will repeat them. Not the big thoughts but it could be useful for the others:
"From the first moment it was clear that we have a winner here: 4719 is a better speaker cable than OTA. Better in every respect. From the deep, full and well-controlled bass to the full-bodied and smooth midrange and treble, the new cable is superior.
4719 has rightness and coherency in the best OTA manner. Timing and rhythm accuracy was also well preserved from the OTA. The sense of ease and smoothness prevailed during my listening sessions with 4719 cables but not at the expense of dynamic shading or slam.
4719 speaker cables present the most challenged musical information effortlessly with no trace of strain or congestion. There's more authority in sound: it seems that everything is presented more .
Tonal colors are more distinct with 4719, with more contrasts in the instrument timbres. Example: cymbals now sound more metallic (but smooth) or acoustic guitar has more body with clear distinction between strings (plastic or steel) and wooden body. Everything sounds more natural and real."
I think that the price of 4719 is OK. The prices of other "high end" cables and interconnects are not OK.
Best wishes to everyone!
I already wrote a few words about 4719 cables so I will repeat them. Not the big thoughts but it could be useful for the others:
"From the first moment it was clear that we have a winner here: 4719 is a better speaker cable than OTA. Better in every respect. From the deep, full and well-controlled bass to the full-bodied and smooth midrange and treble, the new cable is superior.
4719 has rightness and coherency in the best OTA manner. Timing and rhythm accuracy was also well preserved from the OTA. The sense of ease and smoothness prevailed during my listening sessions with 4719 cables but not at the expense of dynamic shading or slam.
4719 speaker cables present the most challenged musical information effortlessly with no trace of strain or congestion. There's more authority in sound: it seems that everything is presented more .
Tonal colors are more distinct with 4719, with more contrasts in the instrument timbres. Example: cymbals now sound more metallic (but smooth) or acoustic guitar has more body with clear distinction between strings (plastic or steel) and wooden body. Everything sounds more natural and real."
I think that the price of 4719 is OK. The prices of other "high end" cables and interconnects are not OK.
Best wishes to everyone!