LAT International IC-200 Mark II

I'm very interested in the IC-200 Mark II by LAT International and would like to hear about your experiences. Also, has anyone compared this cable to the new copper IC from Analysis Plus (Solo Crystal Oval IC)?

I use them throughout my whole system. I recently compared one head-to-head against a JPS Superconductor 2, which I had been using; the comparison IC was between my amp and preamp. Both my wife and I agreed, without much trouble, that we prefered the LAT better.

I also comapred LAT's SS-1000 D bi-wire to my JPS Superconductor 2 speaker wire, again choosing the LAT. We found the difference to be more dramatic between the IC's than the speaker cables.

Both comparisons revealed the JPS to be more forward, in your face. The LAT had greater sound stage and revealed details better, in my system...we simply liked the LAT better at every level.

I also have two of LAT's power cords, one on my amp, the other on my CD player. It made quite a difference to my amp, the difference was very small to my CD player (Meridian 508.24).
I also use this interconnect in my system with great results - I was using Alpha Core Micro purl before and have moved these to another system. Very well made at any price and a good silver/copper combo that gives a real natural sound to everything.
These cables are not High end.I own them along with many others.
Don't waste your money.

LAT hype is they compare to cables costing $$$ more. They realy don't compare. I use mine from my Cassette player output.
If Ozzy is correct there would be a ton of them for sale on this site which there are not. Check the other so called HIgh End cables - there are a ton for sale - seems like its your money being wasted Oz on the other cables you seem to own.