Electraglide Ultra Kahn / Shunyata Anaconda vx

Guys, I'm soon going to be looking for a very high quality power cable for my transport (system details below) and have both the Ultra Kahn Statement 2 and Anaconda vx on my shortlist. The qualities I favour are musicality and a full bodied tonal structure, with excellent micro-dynamics to recreate a realistic ambiance. I already have an anaconda vx which i think is great however a dealer (with an excellent reputation who stocks both brands) has suggested I will love the Ultra Kahn even more. Alternatively maybe you can suggest other models which may work well for me. I've heard good things about elrod however they are too inflexible for my tastes; similarly any views about the Wollf Carbon Ribbons would be appreciated. thanks Mark

audio synthesis transcend and dax discrete
valhalla i/c with silver bullet plugs
rogue amp with nos gecs / rcas
xindak fs2 spkr cables
hydra 8 with anaconda / python / xindak gold
townshend seismic stand
I would take a serious look at the Harmonix X-DC Studio Masters. One of the greatest values (never thought I'd say that about a $1k plus cord) considering the cost of the big boys. I have a golden earred buddy, who traded in all his Elrods for the Masters. Also, if I remember correctly, I read a post on the 'gon a ways back, about someone changing over to the Harmonix from the Anaconda. Just a little FWIW. peace, warren
Hi Mark,

I would use the Ultra Khan (for better transparency and detail retrival) on the Transport and the Anaconda Vx (for the signature "analogue" sound and better noise reduction) on the DAC.

I have not tried the UK Statement II, but have a UK on my Velocitor that feeds my digital source. Use the Anaconda Vx on my Transporrt and the original King Cobra on my DAC.
I have a Voodoo Silver Dragon on my Arcam DV-89 and could'nt be happier. I've also compared the Anaconda on 75K systems to P/C's costing 1/4 that cost and difficulty hearing a difference. I also use a Tesla I on my sub with great results. Just another option.