We have found the same degree of improvement whether we are attaching our power cables to digital or analog audio equipment. A real insight manifested when we linked a pc to a battery supplied preamp. Since the unit stores it energy in the form of DC we felt that no real performance benefit would occur with a state of the art power cord; to the ownerÂ’s and our surprise the improvement was substantial. This probable means that while the unit is drawing energy to store the effect the pc have on the electromagnetic configuration is not altered even when converted to DC and stored in the battery.
We have found the same degree of improvement whether we are attaching our power cables to digital or analog audio equipment. A real insight manifested when we linked a pc to a battery supplied preamp. Since the unit stores it energy in the form of DC we felt that no real performance benefit would occur with a state of the art power cord; to the ownerÂ’s and our surprise the improvement was substantial. This probable means that while the unit is drawing energy to store the effect the pc have on the electromagnetic configuration is not altered even when converted to DC and stored in the battery.